This month we’ve been talking about building positive long-term relationships with your customers. We talked about the importance of welcoming new prospects into your email list. You’ve discovered the power of approaching lead nurturing like a series of coffee dates. You’ve reconnected with dormant leads.
But, there’s an overlooked segment of your email list. This portion has proven to be highly valuable, but you may not be paying as much attention to them as you should. You might occasionally send out a short email, but for the most part you leave them be. After all, you’ve already gotten their money.
Yep, I’m talking about your current customers. As a B2B hospitality or tourism company, your current customers are worth more than their initial purchase value.
Your customer has already bought from you. They already know you provide something valuable and a solution for their company. You want to keep your customers happy. You want to remind them about why they bought from you instead of your competitors.
You can turn your customers advocates, instead of users.
Your Customer the User
Let’s say you sell PMS software to hotels. With a user, you’ve already shown her the value of your software. She starts using the software, and no further communication takes place. You don’t check in on her. You don’t ask if there are other ways you could help. She uses the software and is happy with it.
Then, something changes. She passes the excitement of having her new software and just uses it. She becomes overwhelmed with other issues and serving her guests.
You might release an update to make her life easier or create a new feature that could help her better serve her guests. But she’s busy running the hotel and doesn’t have time to check for new features.
When she decides she needs an updated system, she doesn’t necessarily look to you for the solution. Instead she starts looking at other providers who seem to have new or more feature laden options.
A user is happy enough with the product they have but isn’t necessarily using it to its full potential. The property may change by:
- Adding new services
- Expanding the number of guests they can serve
- Renovating
Whatever it is that changes her circumstances, if you don’t keep in touch with her you aren’t able to help. When it comes time to change, she might first start to look at other offers. Who has a cheaper option? Who has the most advanced option?
She might not need the most advanced or newest option. But if she don’t know about your newest options or why she should stay with you, she may not entertain it.
The Customer as Advocate
An advocate is someone eager to talk about what they use and why. They not only are happy with the product, but they want others to try it out. They’re excited to use it. They contribute to the strongest form of marketing-social proof.
To turn a regular user into an advocate, remind them why they chose you in the first place. Demonstrate your great customer service and why you’re a trustworthy company.
When you release a new update or feature, keep in touch and let them know about it. Don’t make your customer research their software. Keep them updated about what is going on.
But, you don’t want to wait six months after installation to contact them. Keep in touch on a variety of topics, from thought leadership to trends in the industry as well. You don’t need to send a daily email, just send something valuable every couple of months.
Starting a relationship at the end of their time with you isn’t beneficial. If you show interest in them throughout your business relationship, when they’re ready to upgrade or change they know how great it is to work with you. Rewarding them for loyalty goes a long way.
Don’t forget your current customers, or discount their value. They can lead to conversions of people you will never know about because of their advocacy. To turn them into advocates keep in touch by sending:
- Newsletters
- Autoresponders
- Updates about upgrades, changes or improvements
A regular stream of valuable content will keep you top of mind. They might not actively refer possible buyers to you, but when asked for a recommendation you’ll be top of their mind.
Are you ready to turn your customers into eager advocates for your product? Contact me today to set up a free consultation about your email marketing.