Every blog post you make should be a part of a larger content strategy. This means you can repurpose it for other channels and other parts of the sales process. The ultimate buyer might need a large piece of content, like an e-book to make a decision to go forward. But a researcher only needs a simple piece of content to research your company further. Repurpose your B2B blog posts into these 5 pieces of content.

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Reuse Blog written in sand

You spent a lot of time and money creating an informative blog post that can help your readers. However, not everyone will go to your site to read your post. You don’t want all of that information to go to waste. You can reuse a B2B blog post to reach more prospects.

Every blog post created should be a part of a larger content strategy. The information in your post can be used in different parts of the sales process. Create new content pieces with the same information.

The final decision maker for buying a product might need a large piece of content, like an e-book, to make a decision to go forward. But a researcher only needs a simple piece of content to research your company further.

Create these four content pieces when you reuse a B2B blog post.


To write an effective blog post, you need to know where the reader is in the buying process. Let’s say the reader is in the initial research phase. A hotel manager can’t keep track of OTA booking and booking made through their website.

In the end, she wants a better booking system. But she’ll start looking for a solution to her immediate problem, coordinating OTA and direct bookings. She might ask Google, “How to keep track of OTA booking and directs bookings.”

If your company provides software that solves this problem, you might create a blog post answering her question. Once you’ve provided the answer, you might realize there are probably related questions.

Create a post for each related question. After they’re published, compile them into a valuable e-book. People appreciate having valuable information in one place or in an easy download.


You can reuse a B2B blog post to create an infographic. Statistics from the post can make interesting visuals.

Create an infographic with the statistics you found in your research and a few important pieces of information.

Include the infographic in the post. Share it on social media with a link to the post itself, such as on Pinterest.

You can also use the infographic as a giveaway to get people on your email list.


Some people want information quickly, and don’t want to read it. That’s where video comes in. Video is on the rise. By 2019, it will account for 80% of all internet traffic. Create a summary video of what you covered in the blog.

The script for the video should be simple. Share the video to social media to promote your company. You can show your authority in your industry by regularly publishing videos on a YouTube or Facebook page.

Image Quote

People love quotes on social media. They’re fun, informative and quick to read. Use a great quote from your blog post to create a shareable image. This works really well if you’re quoting a higher-up in a company, such as the CEO of your hospitality software company.

Use the image to promote your blog post on Twitter or Facebook with some accompanying text, add it to the post itself to make it visually interesting, and post in a Pinterest board on a carefully researched category.

Potential customers will look in several places to find information on your company or product. If they don’t know about your company, they won’t visit your site first. Reuse the information in your blog post to create other content pieces on the channels they’re researching.

In a few simple steps, you can create five unique content pieces to appeal to a buyer at different points in the sales cycle.

Are you ready to create valuable content for different parts of the sales process by reusing a blog post? Contact me to discuss content marketing plans. Or visit my services page for information on other projects.

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