Best Posts from 2016

The end of 2016 is almost here. It’s time to don your party hats, pop the champagne, and ring in the new year.

As a marketer in the hospitality and travel industries, there’s always more to learn about what is and isn’t working. Online marketing channels change fast.

Five years ago, the social media networks with the highest interaction rate and one of the fastest growing audiences didn’t exist.  It’s only been ten years since social media came into existence. Content marketing is only slighter older, and the internet is now 25 years old. It can be difficult to keep up with all of these changes.

Here’s a refresher on some best practices and new trends for content marketing in the hospitality industry, both B2B and B2C.

Facebook’s Targeted Messaging Options

Facebook released a huge algorithm change early this year, which included numerous updates and releases of tools aimed at businesses. The ability to provide highly relevant information can improve the user experience of your followers on Facebook and appeal to non-followers with targeted messages. Discover how to target your updates to the right audience by interest and by limiting who sees individual updates, crafting a highly relevant message.

Start a Blog

A blog continues to be a key part of content marketing. It can increase warm lead generation by up to 67% a month. That’s a lot of potential clients eager to learn more about your company. But how can you make a blog work for your company? The purpose of a blog and the ability to measure ROI can be confusing for some. Check out the reasons to start a blog sooner rather than later. This quick start guide will show your company how to get started, best practices, and how to diversify your blog for entertaining content.

Promote Your Content on Multiple Channels

As each new marketing channel debuts on the internet, its enough to have a presence. But within a few years, changes. No matter what type of content you’re publishing: infographics, social media updates, blog posts, articles, etc., it’s not possible to post it on your site and be done anymore. All of your content needs to be promoted. Check out this post on the benefits.

Content Marketing Plan

The majority of B2B companies use content marketing. It’s a valuable tool that builds trust and authority with your prospects. But do you know the true ROI of all of your content marketing efforts? Aiming for likes and comments isn’t useful to your bottom line. A true measurement of ROI is linking the many pieces of content required for the buyer’s journey to the next step, and ultimately a sale. A content marketing plan is key, and takes a lot of planning.

These are only a few of the topics we’ve covered this year. Explore more about content marketing in the blog.

Ready to start tackling your content marketing strategy in 2017? Contact us to for a free 20-minute strategy call, where you’ll leave with actionable advice. Or learn more about our other services.


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