People at desk conducting blog interview

You’ve created a blog that you post to regularly for your B2B tourism or hospitality company. You create posts using your knowledge to discuss solutions to common problems faced by your prospects. Each post related to a larger topic is linked in a series.

You’ve created several series on different topics and alternate posting between them. You’ve decided to profile members in your company to create more varied content with a blog interview.

People are comfortable with those they know, like and trust. When they only see your company logo and not the photo of a person on your social media accounts, the company doesn’t really feel real. When you show them an image of a person who works in your company they might interact with, your company becomes more real.

Here are some criteria to think about before interviewing one of your workers for a blog post.

How to Approach Non-Executives

The CEO and other directors will be more than happy to sit down for an interview. It’s an expected part of the job for those in the ‘C-Suite’. However, your customers may never speak directly with these people. You’ll want to interview people who work in other departments. But, this is not a regular part of their job.

Interviewing employees requires respect for their position and feelings. They may not feel comfortable doing an interview or having their name published. Instead, consider using the blog to highlight achievements in your company. The interview could be part of a reward offered for meeting quota, a new accomplishment, or solving a difficult problem.

What Should You Ask in the Blog Interview?

You want an opportunity to both highlight the person you’re interviewing and your company. Use a mix of questions about the company and questions about them interview checklist

Great questions to consider include:
• What are your hobbies?
• What do you like best about working for X company?
• How long have you been working with our company?
• What is something interesting about yourself?

These questions and others like them give a great overview of the person you are interviewing. You establish the type of environment your employees work in. Your customers get to know a person working at the company, and get to know the company better at the same time. This is a great way for your customers and prospects to know, like and trust you.

Use these interview tips to create your own questions for a great profile on your company blog.

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