Expanding Your Blog Content to Build Anticipation

person on smartphoneA blog can be used to boost interest in your product and prove yourself an expert in your field. If you’re not sure if a blog is right for your company, check out this post on why your company needs a blog.

Draw Eyes to Each Post

You’ve started your blog using what you already know about a specific feature of your product. Now, you want to provide varied content to reach a broader audience and to create anticipation for the next post in a series. Here’s one way to do this.

First, remember to create interest and draw eyes to your blog each week. A simple way to do this is to create a series of related articles, like we discussed last week. Another way to garner interest is to not post those articles one right after the other.

Vary Blog Content

In between related articles, post on other topics. These posts could cover different features of your product. Let’s go back to our software for small-to-mid-sized hotels. You’ve already created a series of blog posts on the property management feature.

Another feature available is a way to improve your marketing. Create another series of posts on how the software makes marketing dollars go further, how it makes it easier to market, or how it provides templates for many different marketing messages.

Now you have two series of articles. If you published about property management in your last post, the next post should be on a different topic, such as marketing. This creates anticipation for your follow-up post about property management. It also creates an opportunity for your company to prove themselves as an expert in another field and to reach more prospects.

In an upcoming article, I’ll let you know how to create special posts using the people who work for you.

Are you ready to take your blogging to the next level? Grab your FREE 20-minute content strategy call. Make your blog start performing for you. Do you have other content marketing needs? Learn more about my services.

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