
LinkedIn is undoubtedly the number one social media network for B2B users. Thousands of professionals use it daily. Many are actively looking for recruits, industry news and networking opportunities. As such, the social networking platform is a great place to promote your company and what it does. One way to do this is to share content on LinkedIn.

The way you share content is almost as important as what you share. You don’t want to just share a title of an article and be done with it. Here are five ways to share content on LinkedIn.

Share Content on LinkedIn with an Update to Your Company Page

When sharing a new post as a status update on a company profile page, don’t be boring. Many people and companies share a title from their blog, and nothing else.

Instead, provide commentary on the article, its importance to the industry and why people should be reading it. A phrase like, “Check out our new blog post!” doesn’t provide value. It seems overly promotional and is unlikely to prompt readers to click through to the article.

Create an Update on Your Personal Profile Page

If you’re part of the marketing team, feel free to share your company’s accomplishments in your own status updates. However, don’t use the same phrasing as the original update.

When you share content on LinkedIn, share some insight on your status update about the post. A great method to prompt interaction and engagement is to ask a question in your status update. Look at this as a way of seeking advice from your fellow professionals and craft your question accordingly.

Share in a Group

As a user of LinkedIn, you should be taking advantage of LinkedIn groups. It’s a great place to share content. On LinkedIn you can get advice from either your customers or fellow marketers by using groups.

Always provide a reason when sharing anything created by you or your company. Many groups have rules about self-promotion. Most don’t mind if you share your own content as long as it’s beneficial to the group and you don’t do it too often.

Give a one or two sentence description about the post and why you think it would be helpful to your fellow group members specifically. This is a great way to show your expertise and get your fellow member’s opinions on the same topic. If this is a group of possible customers, you can use their opinions to build up your buyer profiles.

Publish a Simpler Version of the Post

Another great way to share the information included in your blog post is to create your own LinkedIn post on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. This widens the range of people who may come across your article from those associated directly with your account to anyone searching for the content that you assign in a keyword to the article.

Create an entirely new post using the information in the original blog. This post should have less information than the original blog. The post you publish on LinkedIn should create interest in the topic.

At the end of the piece, add a short blurb to get people to your website. This could be as simple as “For more information, read our blog post.”

Create a Curated Post

If you don’t want to create a new post to share content on LinkedIn, consider creating a curated post on LinkedIn’s publishing platform.

A curated post gives a brief summary of an article or blog post that exists elsewhere on the internet. This is usually about a paragraph.

The author of the post also provides commentary about the content. This is a place to demonstrate thought leadership, proved an opinion, or ask thought-provoking questions. At the end of the post, a link is provided to the original content, located on your website. Then link to the article on your website.

Each of these methods puts your content in front of a different part of LinkedIn’s audience. This increases the visibility of your content and your company.

Are you ready to create unique shares and content for your company on LinkedIn? Contact me for a free consultation on how to improve your LinkedIn content marketing and strategies.

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