Today we're going to talk about how you can give your site visitors a luxury user experience with UX copywriting. Now, that’s a bit of an intimidating term, so let me break it down.

In geek speak-UX stands for user experience. It’s all about creating an easy-to-use technology solution. People using software don’t need a computer science or rocket degree to figure out how to use something.  

When you created your new travel technology solution, I’m sure you had a reason. It’s probably related to how difficult, clunky and/or confusing the existing technology is. BUT, travel tech companies forget to bring those UX principles to their own site.

Often times, people are so concentrated on SEO, paid ad and social media campaigns and creating multiple marketing funnels that they forget about the experience of users after they land on a website. Many marketing initiatives are great at driving traffic but the conversion rates are lower than expected.

You want visitors to your website to have the same customer experience they’ll have when they decide to work with you. So let’s make it happen.

There are three quick “tests” you can perform on your site to bring about better conversions.

Test #1 The Front Lobby Test

Do you pass the Front Lobby Test? A lot of people have a name for this-but I like to look at it this way. When someone walks into the lobby of a luxury hotel, they know immediately if they’re in the right place.

There’s someone there to greet them, they can see the name of the company and they have an idea of what they can expect from their stay. The lobby sets the tone for the rest of their interactions.  

What do you need to pass? Let’s explore.

  • What Do You Do?
  • Who Do You Serve?
  • What’s In It for Me?

In 8 seconds or less, you want to let your visitors know the answers to the above three questions. They know immediately if they’re in the right place or not. If they leave, that’s great! They’re not a great prospect for you right now and you don’t want to invest resources.

If they stay? That’s great too. You know you can help them.

Test #2: The Front Desk Test

You want to start providing a positive user experience for your site visitors as soon as possible. One way to do that is through segmentation. This provides a “personalized” experience for everyone on your site without investing in costly software.

Some would say, “It’s too early to start segmenting!” I disagree. Think of entering that hotel lobby. Within seconds, you can approach the front desk and get an answer to your question. You might want:

  • ​To check-in
  • ​Information on local activities
  • ​General information-like directions

The front desk staff will provide you everything you need to resolve your problems.

Almost everyone who lands on your site got there because they’re looking for something specific. They’ve already self-selected what would interest them. You’re simply providing the best method for them to find what they’re looking for.

How do you know which segment is right for the user? You ask them!

Near the top of your page, offer help to your site visitors by guiding them to three different areas of your site. They’ll be happy they don’t have to search for the right section or scroll. They simply need to click a button.

Test #3: The Room Test

Your site visitor knows they’re in the right place. They’ve chosen exactly where they want to go and shown you what they’re interested in.

Now comes the easy part. Does the button they clicked match their expectations?

This isn’t just about content. The headline on the new page should show they are in the right place. It needs to match what they clicked.

Many companies are tempted to provide fancy-sounding language on their internal pages. This can be confusing to your users, especially if they have no prior experience with your company or solution.

Match the language within your site to assure your visitors they’re in the right place. Then they’ll be happy to start exploring and improve your opportunity to convert them.

These are only 3 of more than a dozen factors I use to turn normal web pages into conversion machines. Grab your website review and start improving conversions within 7 days! Only a few of these are available each month, so grab your spot now

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